Remote access VPNs

What VPN’s? One of the big businesses on the internet are VPN (Virtual Private Network) services, but the ones you normally see advertised (Privacy VPN’s) are not what I want to write about today. The VPN services I want to write about are Remote access VPN’s, as per the name the purpose of these VPN services are to securely access remote device and networks. These can be needed in lots of different situations from OEM’s (Original Equipment Manufacturer) needing to support a machine on the other side of the country or a utility provider with hundreds of individual sites, normally these sites will have a little cellular router or on the odd occasion the site will have a local office network where the IT team will want to manage access.

Next Gen PLC's

NOTE:When I wrote this post I worked for an Emerson distributor, while this makes me more familiar with the Emerson offering this is my personal blog and thus these are my own thoughts and not my employers. But I am limited in what I can talk about with regards to Emerson due to restrictions imposed on me. One thing that has gotten me really excited about the Industrial Automation space in the last couple of years is the new generation of PLC’s that are expanding what we can do with PLC’s.